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Ramos R, Solanas P, Cordón F, Rohlfs I, Elosua R, Sala J, Masiá R, Faixedas MT, Marrugat J

[Comparison of population coronary heart disease risk estimated by the Framingham original and REGICOR calibrated functions].

Med Clin (Barc). 2003 Oct;121(14):521-6, PMID: 14599406

The therapeutic consequences of using the Framingham function calibrated by the REGICOR and Framingham investigators (Framingham-REGICOR) in the Spanish population are unknown. The objective of this study was to determine the differences in the classification of the population coronary risk when using the classical Framingham function (Framingham-Wilson) and that calibrated, and its consequences on the theoretical indication of lipid-lowering treatment.


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