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Dastani Z, Johnson T, Kronenberg F, Nelson CP, Assimes TL, März W, Richards JB

The shared allelic architecture of adiponectin levels and coronary artery disease.

Atherosclerosis. 2013 Jul;229(1):145-8, PMID: 23664276

A large body of epidemiologic data strongly suggests an association between excess adiposity and coronary artery disease (CAD). Low adiponectin levels, a hormone secreted only from adipocytes, have been associated with an increased risk of CAD in observational studies. However, these associations cannot clarify whether this relationship is causal or due to a shared set of causal factors or even confounding. Genome-wide association studies have identified common variants that influence adiponectin levels, providing valuable tools to examine the genetic relationship between adiponectin and CAD.


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